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Tweets now included in Mediagazer’s compilation of the top media news

January 20, 2011

Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has become a place for reporters, pundits, and media thinkers to quickly express their 140-character thoughts on the news of the day.Tweeters However, if you’re not watching your stream constantly, you can miss out. Starting today, we will be adding direct links to tweets on Mediagazer, so you can see in one place what people are saying about certain stories, even if you had to leave your laptop for an hour or two.

What kind of tweets will appear?

Headlines: People break news on Twitter. We will now be able to highlight those tweets and turn them into a headline on Mediagazer. You can see an example right here.

Discussion: Tweets that are commentary on stories we cover will show up as part of the discussion section for that story, along with links to related blog posts and coverage from other news outlets. For an example, see this cluster.

How will you find these tweets?

Mediagazer’s combination of algorithmic and human editing will continue to surface relevant content onto our site. If you want your tweet to be included, you can be proactive and let us know by including @mediagazer or a link to the relevant mediagazer cluster ( in your tweet. That will speed up the automated process and help us crawl and notice your contribution faster.

Want to know more?

For a fuller explanation of our changes please see this roundup at our sibling site Techmeme.

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